Our services

Water Treatment Systems

AquaTex integrate traditional water treatment solutions with advanced water treatment technologies such as Electrocoagulation, Strong Base Ion Exchange Resins, Membrane filtration, UV, Biological Aerated Filters, High Rate Filtration Methods, Granular Activated Carbon, and many others to achieve the lowest total investment and maintenance costs.


Water Treatment Systems

Innovative Water Treatment Solutions by AquaTex

At AquaTex, we specialize in designing and integrating water treatment systems. With a commitment to sustainability and efficiency, we combine traditional methodologies with advanced technologies to deliver superior water quality.

Revolutionizing Water Treatment with Electrocoagulation

Our cutting-edge Electrocoagulation (EC) technology sets us apart. This innovative approach efficiently removes contaminants, reducing reliance on chemicals and minimizing environmental impact. EC is a game-changer for industries seeking cost-effective and eco-friendly water treatment solutions.

Enhanced Purity with Strong Base Ion Exchange Resins

We harness the power of Strong Base Ion Exchange Resins for exceptional water purification. This method effectively removes unwanted contaminants ions, ensuring high-quality water for various industrial applications, including power generation and pharmaceuticals.

Advanced Membrane Filtration for Unmatched Quality

Our Membrane Filtration systems provide unparalleled precision in water purification. These membranes target even the smallest contaminants, making them ideal for critical applications where water purity is paramount.

Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection for Safe Water

We integrate UV technology to ensure water safety without the use of chemicals. This non-invasive method efficiently neutralizes harmful microorganisms, guaranteeing clean water for consumption and industrial use.

Biological Aerated Filters for Eco-Friendly Treatment

Our Biological Aerated Filters (BAFs) offer an environmentally sustainable solution to water treatment. BAFs efficiently break down organic matter using natural biological processes, making them perfect for wastewater treatment and reuse.

High Rate Filtration for Efficient Processing

We employ High Rate Filtration Methods to keep pace with modern industry demands. These systems are designed for efficiency, providing rapid processing without sacrificing water quality.

Purity and Taste with Granular Activated Carbon

Our Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) systems are excellent for improving water taste and removing organic compounds. GAC is effective in a wide range of applications, from municipal water treatment to beverage production.

Customized Solutions for Diverse Needs

At AquaTex, we understand that each client has unique requirements. We offer bespoke water treatment solutions, combining technologies like EC, ion exchange, membrane filtration, UV, BAFs, and more to meet specific water quality goals.

Partner with AquaTex for Advanced Water Treatment

Choose AquaTex for advanced, sustainable, and efficient water treatment solutions. With our expert team and utilized technologies, we are ready to address your water treatment challenges and ensure the highest water quality standards.


Water Treatment Solutions

Water Treatment Solutions

Complex Problems Are Best Solved Through Collaboration

Our services

Other services we offer


Utilize the EC treatment methods that precipitate the removal of high quantities of contaminants in one operation based on oxidation through low-voltage electrical current.


Develop automation services for water treatment, focusing on process monitoring, pressure, flow rate, and power management. Integrate customizable Human Interface compatible with leading PLC brands.

Fabrication Services

Design and manufacture essential components, such as tanks, piping, and structural frames, using corrosion-resistant materials. We focus on quality, precision, performance, and longevity.